All about

As a specialist private medical insurance broker we know that many of our clients have cover relating to mental health issues within their insurance policies, however we also know that there are general exclusions relating to specific triggers such as drug dependence and alcohol abuse. So where can people turn when they need help that they cannot get under their insurance or quickly enough on the NHS? is a charity who provide people who need help with mental health issues valuable advice and support. They campaign to improve services, raise a greater level of awareness and promote understanding about mental health.

Statistics confirm that one in four of us in the UK will suffer with a mental health problem and MIND believe that no one should have to face mental health issues alone.

Information about the helplines:


Their teams provides information on a range of topics including:

  • types of mental health problem
  • where to get help
  • medication and alternative treatments

The Infoline team will look for details of help and support in your own area.


The Legal Line team provides legal information and general advice on mental health related law covering:

  • mental health
  • mental capacity
  • community care
  • human rights and discrimination/equality related to mental health issues.


The Blue Light Infoline is just for emergency service staff, volunteers and their families.

Their team provides information on a range of topics including:

  • staying mentally healthy for work
  • types of mental health problem
  • how and where to get help
  • medication and alternative treatments
  • advocacy
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • existing emergency service support
  • mental health and the law.

If you are suffering with any type of Mental Health issues and don’t know where to turn for help the website is a fantastic source of help and information. No-one has to suffer alone with a mental health issue and this charity is determined to help those who need it whatever their circumstances.

All of our information above has been sourced from

If you would like more information about the charity itself or would like to make a donation, please follow the link to their website above.