Health & Wellbeing covers a truly broad spectrum of topics. Here you can find information about different therapies, exercise styles and clubs that can help you to improve your Health & Wellbeing for now and the future.

Whether you want to find out about the services that a hospice provides or how to cut the calories in your Christmas dinner. There is information in the Health & Wellbeing category for everyone.

We know that private health insurance offers you great access to medical treatment but there are many things that you can do to improve your health which could help you to avoid becoming ill in the first place.

Make the most of the help and information available to you. We know there will be many more blogs dropping into this category soon.

Amazing work from the Movember Foundation

Amazing work from the Movember Foundation

The Movember Foundation are a global charity raising funds and awareness to stop men dying too young. They want to help men live happier, healthier, longer lives through investing in three key areas: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention

8 ways to boost your fibre intake

8 ways to boost your fibre intake

Boost your fibre intake because it can have major benefits for your health, it can reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers, and also help weight control. According to government guidelines, it is recommended that adults aged 17 and over should eat 30g of fibre a day, but on average we are only consuming about 18g a day. So, if you happen to be having trouble meeting your daily fibre requirement try these 8 simple tips, all of which can help you to increase your fibre intake. Choose a high fibre breakfast cereal e.g. bran flakes, or…

7 Easy Ways to lower your blood pressure

7 Easy Ways to lower your blood pressure

Blood Pressure UK, the UK charity dedicated to lowering the nation’s blood pressure to prevent disability and death from stroke and heart disease, have provided 7 easy ways which can help us all to increase our fruit and vegetable intake to help lower our blood pressure.

Denplan Lucent for your employees

Denplan Lucent for your employees

Simplyhealth are an award winning provider of everyday health products, services and support who pride themselves on providing high levels of customer service as standard. Simplyhealth have also been donating 10% of their profit to corporate giving since 2014.

Preventing Heart Disease

Preventing Heart Disease

Whatever your age it is essential to try and keep your heart healthy and The British Heart Foundation (BHF) confirm that this is the most important thing we can do to help prevent and manage heart disease. The BHF provide a number of ways we can look after our hearts on their website and these include: Healthy Eating can help you to prevent Heart Disease A healthy diet can help reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease and stop you gaining weight, reducing your risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. The BHF advise us to think of foods…

Salt: The Facts

Salt: The Facts

Salt is an essential part of our diet but eating too much may put us at increased risk of developing high blood pressure. This in turn can then be the cause of more serious conditions such as coronary heart disease. How much salt do we need? It is recommended that adults should not be eating more than 6g (about one teaspoon) a day. The recommended intake for children varies from 2g to 6g depending on their age. For example, a child aged between 1-3 years should have a maximum of 2g per day, whereas a child aged 7-10 years should…

National Obesity Awareness Week

National Obesity Awareness Week

Eating well and being physically active can have a very positive impact on our health – from the amount of energy we have when we get up in the morning to protecting us against chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease and cancer later in life. It can also prevent weight gain and obesity.

Winter Wellness from AXA Health

Winter Wellness from AXA Health

Within the cold months of winter, there are so many things to consider when trying to keep fit and healthy. AXA Health have provided a whole host of articles and videos to help people look after themselves and their family during the winter months.

Health Assessments and Screening

Health Assessments and Screening

You can also have a health assessment or screening.  These can help detect warning signs of more serious conditions before symptoms even develop. Another benefit of health assessments is that they can also provide you with guidance as to how you can improve your general health and well-being.

A look at Naturopathy

A look at Naturopathy

This month we focus on the practice of Naturopathy, a form of therapy now recognised by many of the leading cash plan providers in the UK.
SMP Healthcare’s Lianne Muller has spoken to Britta Hochkeppel from Vita Serena in depth about this method of healing.