Varicose Veins advice at Springfield Hospital

As a health insurance broker I’m often asked whether the varicose vein treatment is available on a health insurance policy. This is a really grey area. Treatment for this medical condition has a very specific criteria on health insurance policies.

Treatment is not available because you believe your veins look unsightly. Health insurance will not cover treatment for conditions for cosmetic reasons.

If your consultant believes you need to have treatment for your varicose veins for medical reasons then your insurer will review the claim for you and assess it on a case by case basis.

26th Feb 2020, Varicose Veins advice at Springfield Hospital

Attendees can find out more information about the treatment of varicose veins. At this event you can speak to vascular surgeon, Mr Tom Browne.

Venue: Springfield Hospital in Lawn Lane, Chelmsford

This event is being held at the hospital where you will have chance to view the facilities. There is no obligation to commit to treatment and the advice they are offering is free.

For more information or to book your place please follow the link below:

Springfield hospital is part of the Ramsey Health Care group of hospitals. This group of hospitals is covered under almost all standard hospital lists.

The team at SMP Healthcare are happy to explain in more detail for you about the cover you would have for varicose veins under your private medical insurance cover. If you would like to know more about this and the other services we can offer our clients, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Telephone:  01245 929129 / 0800 047 0127
